SIMULAB has a threefold mission:

  • to facilitate state-of-the-art research on the simulations of the phenomena and processes encountered in Environmental Systems
  • to provide consulting and development services to industries, companies, organizations, businesses and government agencies
  • to cover the educational requirements of the under- and post-graduate curricula of the Department.

Our involvement in Simulation activities covers both fundamental and technological aspects ranging from transport processes to application of renewable in vehicles. Through the many research projects we have participated in, expertise gained in these areas is substantial.

On the research level, commercially available simulation tools are widely used (CFD-RC, Star-CD, etc.) in our Laboratory while we develop powerful simulation algorithms and implement our own codes when necessary. Among our activities is also to build lab scale experimental devices/apparatuses further study the problems under investigation as well as to validate our theoretical results.

In addition to carrying out first-rate research, the Laboratory is committed to the advancement of knowledge and education of young people in the areas of Applied Mathematics and Programming, both in undergraduate and postgraduate level.

Our vision is to become the premier university-based research laboratory in Greece and one of the major research entities internationally in Mathematical Modelling of Environmental Systems.

For further information please refer to the relevant sections of this website or contact us.


Copyright © 2011-2024 Simulab, Department of Environmental Engineering