A theoretical approach for the impact of adulteration on the shelf life of olive oils

A. Kanavouras, F.A. Coutelieris
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Research Area
Packaging - Olive oil

The adulteration of olive oils with lower quality ones is an additional factor impacting oxidation evolution. The selected packaging material along with the storage conditions have a combinatorial impact, too. The combined system of olive oil-packaging-environment lead to a flavour profile, including hexanal, impacting the consumers’ acceptance and quality appreciation. So far, the effect of packaging and environment have been studied both experimentally and theoretically for the shelf life yet not in combination to mixtures of olive oils. This work aims in providing a quick and reliable tool for distinguishing adultered extra virgin olive oils, based on their shelf life as affected by oxidation. The approach is based on using known packaging and environment related factors, but testing altered extra virgin olive oil compositions. By doing so, we propose the use of a predictive model in order to estimate the possibility of food to reach the end of its shelf life while the deviations of this possibility between refence and tested samples indicate potential adulteration. It is clearly showed that greater deviations correspond to higher assurance for a non-pure, adultered, extra virgin olive oil.
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